Patent and Intellectual Property Litigation & Legal Advice
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                                                                                                                                                                     Jean-François Guillot
Member of the Paris & New York Bars
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         D +33 (0)1 55 35 05 40
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Expertise > Trade names

Company Names, Trade Names, Signs

Beyond trademarks, which are used to distinguish products and services, our expertise also covers the other distinctive marks or signs used by a business to identify itself vis-à-vis its customers and distinguish itself from competitors.

In France, a company name is subject to registration in the trade and companies register.

A trade name is used by the company to be identified vis-à-vis its customers and suppliers. The right to it can only be acquired and maintained by use.

A sign designates the geographical situation of the company. Like a trade name, the right to a sign can only be acquired and maintained by use.

We provide advice to our clients in the choice of their company names, trade names or signs, and coordinate prior use searches if necessary.

In case of conflicts between company names, trade names and signs, or between one of these and a trademark, we represent and assist our clients before French courts in litigation relating to the usurpation of their company names, trade names or signs, based on unfair competition grounds, or in trademark infringement litigation.

Perpetual motion with light bulbs.

25, rue de Madrid

75008 Paris, France

Telephone : + 33 (0) 1 55 35 05 35

Fax : +33 (0) 1 55 35 05 36